You may want to get a fresh manicure before putting this beauty on your finger, 'cuz it's going to garner a lot of attention. It's big without being gargantuan at two-inches long across the face, and 1.5-inches wide. Those thirteen real stones all have nice sawtooth bezeling. This very nice ring came out a case of higher-end Native American jewelry in a western New Mexico trading post. Though the turquoise wasn't identified, it's likely from a greenish-hue vein in the huge Kingman Mine. There's a tendency on the internet to call all greenish turquoise "Royston." But rest assured if this ring had all Royston, Nevada turquoise, it would be much more expensive—not because Royston is any better, rather because the mine raised its prices significantly sometime back. It weighs 15.5-grams, or .55-ounces. It was likely the maker's personal wear, as there is no discernible hallmark. As usual, USPS Priority shipping is complimentary within the U.S.