• Size 7.5 Navajo Cluster ring with Sleeping Beauty turquoise. SOLD! #2117

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    SOLD!  This is a somewhat older find, acquired awhile back from a trading post that's a stone's throw to the Arizona line.  It was quite tarnished but cleaned-up nicely.  The artisan appears to be the very-well-known Navajo artisan Tommy Jackson, from the Arizona side of the Navajo Nation.  Jackson was born in 1958, so he would have had to create this ring by the time he was eleven years old for it to be legitimately considered "vintage."  Thus, it is not "vintage."  Determining the artisan's birth date is a handy way to determine if a piece is legitimately vintage.  It has to be made in the 60's or prior to qualify as such.  But I digress.  This striking ring has 15 pristine small Sleeping Beauty turquoise stones, all installed using hand-sawn sawtooth bezels.  It is almost 1 and 5/8th's-inches long, and one-inch across.  Weight is 9.7-grams, or .34-ounces.  Hallmarked "TJ," with the J struck a little lower than the T.  Complimentary USPS tracked Priority shipping within the U.S.
