SOLD! Who is that peeking-out from behind those earrings? Anyway, here is another example of the Drifter personally holding each piece of jewelry offered here in his hand, out west, before deciding on it. We don't buy things on the phone or internet and have them shipped to us. Where's the fun in that, anyway? Here you see the result of such endeavor. One has to look at a lot of earrings to find a pair that match so close. And it makes all the difference when worn, as well. These show-stoppers are 1 and 3/8th's-inches long, and almost 7/8th's-inches across at the widest point. Weight per earring is 6.6-grams, or .23-ounces. They are hallmarked "Elouise Kee." Always complimentary Priority shipping within the U.S.