Here's a nice find! It fits the Drifter just right. And it looks really good on, too. We best put it out of sight and try to resist keeping it. The fit; the weight; the styling and craftsmanship…this is what we like about traditional Navajo cuffs. Total inside circumference of this dynamite cuff is 7.5-inches. It's substantially made with thicker gauge Sterling, so accurately measure your wrist completely around the wrist bone.
The wearer's wrist circumference needs to be from 7 and 3/8th's-inches up to 7 and 5/8th's inches. Buy to fit; not to bend, please. The band tapers from 1.25-inches wide at the stone to an inch-and-one-sixteenth at each end. The colorful Kingman turquoise stone and its setting is 1 and 5/8th's-inches lengthwise and a little over 1 and 1/8th-inches wide. Weight of the cuff is 110-grams, or 3.9-ounces. Hallmarked "Wes Grey" stamped inside of a stamped feather. It's a keeper. Whoops, we're tryin' to resist that! Free Priority shipping within the U.S.